Google’s March 2024 Update: 5 Must-Knows to Stay Search-Ready

Did you know Google has semi-revamped its search engine algorithm this month?

Yes, and as we experience Google’s massive core update, we’re finding that it has a substantial effect on businesses in every sector, big and small alike. Commentators have observed that these changes carry steep penalties and consequences, similar to the Penguin updates, but mostly directed at poorer-quality sites.

Five Things to Know About Google’s March 2024 Core Update

Search Engine De-Indexing

Google’s intention (with its core update) was to eliminate about 40% of “unhelpful” or “spam” websites by de-indexing them from its search results. The purpose of appearing on their index, as you might recall, is the basic requirement for having any chance of visibility when someone searches for your business-related keywords. The core update, however, weeds out much of the unoriginal or broken web content, removing it from their index.

Changes & Penalties Have Come Fast

Nobody is 100% immune to this problem, either. Many sub-optimal sites have seen a nosedive in their SEO. Of course, as this happens, you may not even notice it because Google doesn’t notify the sites which have incurred penalties. Therefore, if you wish to see how your website handles it, you would have to search it yourself or review the metrics on Google Search Console.

Heavy Impact (even for Veteran Websites)

There have also been websites, including AI-saturated ones, that have taken a hit from this core update. This has even affected those websites that went through previous updates (Penguin and Panda) mostly unscathed. The most severe impact may have struck websites that attempt to cover too broad a range of topics, whereas Google places more search-engine value on pages with specific expertise.

Websites with Errors = Most Vulnerable – Website owners who rely on too much AI received an unwelcome wake-up call from all this. At least that’s been the case for AI-driven sites where the content wasn’t carefully proofed for errors and other problems. This doesn’t mean that Google is pursuing AI content specifically, but it does seek to stem the poor practice of mass-producing it without sufficient quality controls.

Smaller Sites at Risk, Too – Finally, none of this means that smaller websites (those dedicated to small businesses) are completely immune, either. In fact, whenever an update like this happens, it may disproportionately hurt newer or up-and-coming sites more. Web developers and content producers, of all stripes, must remain aware of this ongoing change.

Want to Avoid These Serious Consequences for Your Business Website?

You may conclude (from those urgent concerns) that web developers, especially for business websites, must place the utmost emphasis on quality. Don’t forget that this goes beyond just having good content, dynamic pictures, and working hyperlinks. You also have to focus on crucial user experience components, especially on platforms, and with particular attention to loading speeds.

While some of that might seem overwhelming, there are solutions to make this process much smoother.

Keep Your Website Current & Profitable with DigiSphere Marketing

As usual, the best way to eschew the de-indexing threat is to optimize your website and all other web media. If you need support, then we offer our first-class digital marketing services, aimed at keeping your business on the first page of Google’s search results.

DigiSphere Marketing assists business owners, across an array of industries and sectors, by getting their business brand in front of the eyes of their target audiences faster. In today’s world, you cannot do so without conforming to Google’s algorithms. To learn more on how to do this most effectively, contact us anytime for a service consultation by calling 941-803-4141.

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